[cmsmasters_row][cmsmasters_column data_width=”1/1″][cmsmasters_heading type=”h1″ font_weight=”normal” font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ animation_delay=”0″]Terms & Conditions[/cmsmasters_heading][cmsmasters_text]
Any pupil can try for three weeks before registering with the school
The first week is free and the following two weeks the fee is paid weekly
Following registration 1/2 or full termly fee’s are payable and this is due within the first two weeks of that term
If payment is not made by the 3rd week of term then an interest charge of £5 per week is charged
Payment can be made by cash or by cheque made payable to Mrs S Webster, bank transfer is also available details given upon request
Refunds are given for any classes cancelled by Dancing Dreams but not for classes the pupil is unable to attend
If you have any financial difficulties with this please contact us and we will do what we can to help
Upon registration we will ask you to complete a form and we will supply you information regarding our uniform
Please inform us as soon as possible if any of the details on this form change
We insist on the correct uniform and shoes for all classes as this is best practice for the children and is also safer and can prevent injury
We like their hair to be up, preferably in a bun, as this makes the children feel smart and elegant and more like dancers. It also allows us a proper view of their neck and upper back which allows us to correct them for proper posture
At Dancing Dreams we can assure you that all the teachers are fully qualified, currently registered with a dancing organisation and they all hold a current DBS certificate
Children must be collected from the foyer, they will not be allowed to leave alone
If their adult is late arriving they will be taken back into class
Occasionally photographs of your child may be taken for use on our website or social media accounts please inform us if you do not want your child to be in these photographs
Data Protection – personal information provided to us will be retained solely for our purposes and will never be passed to third parties.